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A888 H2S selective oxidation of catalyst
A888 H2S selective oxidation of catalyst
A888 H2S selective oxidized sulfur recovery technology is a major breakthrough in the reaction balancing concept of the traditional Claus technology. A888H2S direct oxidation catalyst is adopted to selectively oxidize H2S into sulfurs instead SO2, hence achieving an H2S conversion ratio of 100%.
H2S+ O2 Sx+H2O (1)
The traditional Claus reaction between H2S and SO2 is a thermodynamic equilibrium reaction which is a process of heat liberation. Further increase of theconversion ratio is restricted by thermodynamic equilibrium.
2H2S+SO2 Sx+2H2O (2)
The selective oxidation reaction of H2S is a dynamic reaction with a theoreticalconversion ratio of 100%.